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                    Дистанційне навчання  COVID- 19

My new course



Study UK: a Guide for Education Agents

Develop your knowledge of UK education, the UK as a study destination and the benefits of Study UK.

  Міністерство  цифрової  трансформації  Укрвїни 


                 Міністерство  цифрової  трансформації  Укрвїни 


Міністерство  цифрової  трансформації  Укрвїни

Семінар -практикум  Видавництво " Лінгвіст" . Тема: " Pair and Group Activites with YL

                                                    Teaching Listening for LNO and Life/

                                                       м.Житомир - 09.2019

Free online course! Becoming a Better Teacher: Exploring Professional Developmen

The British Council and UCL Institute of Education are pleased to present the
Becoming a Better Teacher: Exploring Professional Development online programme.

This is a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) starting on 5 February 2018 and will help you to build your skills and learn more about different routes to professional development.

Join a community of others working in education, share your experiences and grow as a teacher. This is professional development designed to respond to your needs and is accessible to everyone whatever resources are available to you.

Find out more about the MOOC in this short video: bit.ly/BBTIntro

By the end of this course, you will be better able to:

ü  think about your personal beliefs about teaching, learning and professional development
ü  answer the question ‘what is successful professional development?’
ü  use reflective skills to identify and develop aspects of your professional learning and practice
ü  apply a range of tools and strategies to reflect on and improve teaching and learning
ü  create your own professional development plans
ü  interact with and learn from other teachers through online communities of practice

This online course is broken into simple steps and will help you develop your reflective skills and improve classroom practice. It includes short video interviews with experienced teachers and activities, discussions, polls and quizzes.

You will be guided through the course by British Council and UCL Institute of Education tutors, and you can share your experiences and opinions with other teachers from across India and around the world!

I will appreciate it if you share this information with your teachers.

У  Білій  Церкві був проведений  тренінг з методики викладання англійської мови  за новим стандартом української школи.

Вікторія Іваніщева  
Viktoriia Ivanishcheva | English Language Operational Manager
British Council Ukraine 

Лекція Олександра Шаленка, секретаря українcького відділення Міжнародної асоціації вчителів англійської мови як іноземної.


Англійська мова - "Учитель року - 2016" Житомирська область


Перевести эту страницу
Пищик Ніна Петрівна. Район: Романівський. Місце роботи: Романівська гімназія. Посада:вчитель англійської мови. Персональний сайт: http://ninapischik2016.blogspot.com/ .



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